An organic product is any product that is obtained through natural raw materials, without the need for chemical products, in the case of products of plant origin, or the use of synthetic hormones that favor growth in a non-organic manner. natural in the case of animals. In the case of…
Bariatric surgery or Gastroplasty is a means to fight obesity level III. Surgery consists of a reduction in the stomach, making people eat less and thereby lose weight. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this type of intervention is recommended for people with a BMI greater than 40 kg…
A person who wants to achieve muscle hypertrophy usually seeks to have a balanced diet with the correct amount of macros and micronutrients. We know that the main nutrient for post-workout and gaining lean mass is protein. It is largely responsible for providing amino acids so that the body can…
There are those who say that the rush of everyday life is the number 1 enemy of a food healthy. After all, in the midst of so much work, meetings and other commitments, it's much easier to use fast food and industrialized foods, right? And this, along with habits sedentary,…